The Rapid Rise of E-commerce in Bangladesh


E-commerce explosion in BD: In the last decade, Bangladesh has witnessed a dramatic surge in e-commerce, transforming the country into a burgeoning digital marketplace. With a population of over 160 million and a fast-growing middle class, Bangladesh offers a ripe market for online retailers. This digital revolution is propelled by the increasing availability of affordable smartphones and internet connectivity across the country.

Bangladeshi consumers are embracing the convenience and accessibility of online shopping, leading to a boom in e-commerce platforms. From established players like Daraz and AjkerDeal to homegrown startups like PriyoShop and even your very own BeshiJoss, the digital marketplace in Bangladesh is flourishing with opportunities. These platforms cater to a diverse range of consumer needs, be it fashion, electronics, groceries, or home appliances.

The rise of Bangladesh’s e-commerce not only benefits consumers but also empowers small businesses and entrepreneurs. Online platforms provide a level playing field, allowing them to reach a wider audience and compete with established brick-and-mortar retailers. This has led to the creation of countless success stories of local entrepreneurs thriving in the digital economy.

With the continued growth and support from the government, the future of e-commerce in Bangladesh looks incredibly promising. As more people embrace online shopping, the digital revolution in Bangladesh is set to reshape the retail landscape and drive economic growth in the years to come.

Growth and potential of the Bangladesh e-commerce market

The growth potential of the Bangladesh e-commerce market is immense. As more Bangladeshis gain access to the internet, the number of online shoppers is expected to rise significantly. According to a recent study by Statista, e-commerce in Bangladesh is expected to grow by an average annual growth rate of +15.78% per year, resulting in a market volume of US$13.71bn by 2027. This growth is driven by factors such as increasing consumer confidence in online shopping, improved logistics infrastructure, and the availability of a wide range of products online.

Factors contributing to the rise of e-commerce in Bangladesh

Several factors have contributed to the rise of e-commerce in Bangladesh. Firstly, the widespread availability of affordable smartphones has made it easier for people to access the internet and shop online. Secondly, the expansion of 4G networks and the reduced cost of mobile phone data plans have further fuelled the adoption of e-commerce.

Furthermore, the convenience and accessibility of online shopping have attracted consumers who previously had limited access to physical stores, especially in rural areas. Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic has also been a key catalyst and accelerated the growth of e-commerce as people turned to online shopping to meet their needs while maintaining social distancing measures.

Success stories in the Bangladesh e-commerce industry/E-commerce explosion in BD

The Bangladesh e-commerce industry includes countless success stories. One of the largest and most popular e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh is Daraz. Another major player is AjkerDeal, which offers a variety of products ranging from electronics to fashion. There is also the online retail startup PriyoShop, mobile phone exchange BeshiJoss, a digital marketplace for purchasing cars like GarirBazar, and even luxury real estate portal BestBari. The potential for e-commerce in Bangladesh is endless and just getting started as demonstrated by the sheer number of successful e-commerce success stories in the country.

As e-commerce continues to expand in Bangladesh, several trends and shifts in consumer behavior have emerged. Firstly, there has been a significant increase in mobile shopping, with more people using their smartphones to browse and make purchases online. This trend is driven by the affordability and accessibility of smartphones, as well as the convenience of mobile shopping apps.

Secondly, there has been a surge in demand for fast delivery and free shipping options. Consumers in Bangladesh expect quick and reliable delivery, and e-commerce platforms are adapting to meet these demands. Finally, there has been a shift towards online grocery shopping, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers are increasingly opting for the convenience of having groceries delivered to their doorstep, further driving the growth of e-commerce in this sector.

Government initiatives to support the growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh

Recognising the potential of e-commerce in driving economic growth, the Bangladesh government has taken several initiatives to support the sector. The Digital Commerce Policy 2018 was introduced to provide a legal framework for e-commerce activities and promote a conducive business environment.

Furthermore, the Bangladesh government has taken several initiatives to improve internet connectivity, which enables a wider adoption of e-commerce across the country. The government’s Digital Bangladesh program aims to ensure affordable and reliable internet access for all citizens of Bangladesh.

The government has also implemented measures to improve digital payment systems and increase financial inclusion. Furthermore, the establishment of e-commerce parks and special economic zones has attracted investment and facilitated the growth of e-commerce businesses in the country.

Conclusion: The future of e-commerce in Bangladesh is full of potential

With the continued growth and support from the government, the future of e-commerce in Bangladesh looks incredibly promising. As more people embrace online shopping, the digital revolution in Bangladesh is set to reshape the retail landscape and drive economic growth in the years to come.

The rise of e-commerce not only benefits consumers but also empowers small businesses and entrepreneurs, providing them with opportunities to thrive in the digital economy. As the challenges are addressed and the ecosystem continues to evolve, Bangladesh has the potential to become a regional e-commerce hub in South Asia-E-commerce explosion in BD.

We hope you enjoyed reading this BeshiJoss article about the rise of e-commerce in Bangladesh. If you would like read more about the latest technological news, insights and trends in Bangladesh please visit our blogs page. 

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